Bure Eshpel
(Blue Sphere)Diameter:
15000 km (approx)Colour:
Adventurous, brave, honestWeapons:
Good telepathy and telekinesis. Gunships and axes.Further Information:
- Bure Eshpel, sometimes called Beshpel, is an oceanic sphere dotted with rocky, blue islands. It is the third sphere from Hew Espireth. Beshpers reside on sprawling cities that cover the larger islands, or on ships. Some say it was their jealousy over Evollish and Godish teleportation ability that made Beshpers incredible transport engineers. They make residential ocean ships the size of cities, submarines for underwater exploration, airships for navigating the icy poles, and spaceships. Beshper technology enables travel between Chroman spheres for Chromans who cannot teleport. During the GWAKZ war, they made space vessels capable of traversing the mindfields to rescue researchers stranded due to broken portal doors.
- Beshpers are loud people, occasionally brash but always honest. Free-thinking Beshper cities attract artists, writers and musicians from across Chroma.
- The last ruler of Bure Eshpel was Kalanooka, who took power immediately after a Reckish spy killed her father at the start of the GWAKZ war. This blue warrior princess had a military flair that made Bure Esphel the least damaged sphere except Hew Espireth under the Reckish onslaught. It was her idea to use Beshper ships to collect frags from the mindfields to aid the Chroman army. The Chroman war ended when Kalanooka sacrificed herself to save Chroma.