Evol Espireth

(Violet Sphere)


6000 km (approx)


Deep violet and purple




Mystical, intelligent, regal


Excellent teleskills and lifelight manipulation

Further Information:

  • Evol Espireth is the closest sphere in orbit around Hew Espireth and the smallest Chroman sphere. Its rocky surface is covered with vast lakes and thick purple fog that flickers with electrical storms.
  • Citizens are Evollese (or Evollish in Renish and Beshper dialects). They construct beautiful homes from locally materials using 'nesis. Wealthy Evollese inhabit mountaintop palaces overlooking the clouds. Poorer residents work in the lowlands, farming the violet foods that give residents their colour.
  • The Evollese have the strongest teleskills of all Chromans except the Hesper creators. Other Chromans sometimes perceive their cold, distant manner as arrogant. Before the First Fall, the Evollish teleported to distant galaxies and nudged the development of sentient beings to advance them toward self awareness. Modern day Evollish of notable talent will 'port across Chroma teaching teleskills and assisting large building and landscaping projects using 'nesis
  • The last ruler of Evol Espireth was Wandasee, who took power three years before the GWAKZ war. The previous ruler was Reea, who changed her name to Recka when she left Evol for Peblash Reck, having succumbed to the deadlight.